A graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Visual Communication, including an emphasis Photography. Solving problems and visual aesthetics fuels my passion in this field. I am looking to work in a fast paced environment that allows for learning and creative growth. I love collaboration while also being able to work quickly and efficiently on my own. Currently working as a freelance designer and photography, contact me at sam089417@aim.com!
Behind the Logo
The idea behind my logo is to show fluidity, especially between different art mediums. All throughout school I was told how all art discipline were separate, there was design, technology, sculpture and art history. Art is meant to make people question the status quo, make people critical think and draw their own conclusions. While design is meant to explain the world and get you from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yet I believe that in many situations these discipline improve if not depend on one another. When combine correctly they enhance design and create fluidity. In order for a design to with stand the test of time it needs to be fluid. This is the inspiration behind my design, an integration of paint, photography and typography to embody myself and my beliefs.