"Joy, The college guide to cooking edible food!" is a cooking website. This is a site that has easy and quick recipes that any college kid can make, and be able to show their parents how well they can take care of themselves. The web page has a broad span of recipes, but that can be narrowed down to the individual
by a few questions they answer when making a profile. The page is meant to be customized, to create an enjoyable cooking experience.
by a few questions they answer when making a profile. The page is meant to be customized, to create an enjoyable cooking experience.

When first logging in the user will answer a few questions. These help the website cut out certain recipes that would not suit them. For example, getting rid of meat recipes if the user is vegetarian. The questions are meant to be a broad overview to help the page narrow down the options. Though the viewer can choose to opt out of answering the questions by clicking the hangry button. This would be in the individual profile, allowing them to change it at any time.

This is an example of what the viewer will see when browsing for a recipe. The first page will show the categories, once that has been selected, the viewer can scroll through the recipes. At anytime it is possible
to search for a specific recipe or even a type of food, such as searching for chicken recipes.
to search for a specific recipe or even a type of food, such as searching for chicken recipes.

The first page shows how a recipe will look when you first click on it. The second and third show the different viewing and interactions the viewer can have. Including being able to click on the ingredient and it showing up
in full color, or click on the timer to have it start. The viewer can also enter in the serving size they need, and
the recipe will change accordingly. The viewer is also able to view the recipe step by step, or even look on the nutrients of this recipe. The last part of the page allows people to upload their food selfies and share among
their friends, and/or community.
in full color, or click on the timer to have it start. The viewer can also enter in the serving size they need, and
the recipe will change accordingly. The viewer is also able to view the recipe step by step, or even look on the nutrients of this recipe. The last part of the page allows people to upload their food selfies and share among
their friends, and/or community.

Above are other examples of recipes, and show timers by individual steps. These would be something the user can click on and it will time that step.